
北京时间2022年12月10日,IVY EVENTS常春藤国际组委会在中国大陆地区举办了国际赛事第三板块Schoolympics“校林匹克”的授权签约仪式,将中国大陆地区体育赛事运营权正式授权给深圳博雅知行研学旅行社有限公司,在授权期内由其负责常春藤国际体育赛事在中国大陆地区的全面运营。同时此次仪式亦标志着中国成为在继印度与泰国后第三个申办Schoolympics的亚洲国家,并将在后疫情时代通过联合亚洲各地区国际学校、公私立学校以及学术机构等,共同举办Schoolympics“校林匹克”以及“Para Jump百乐跳”国际跳绳挑战活动等国际体育赛事活动,让更多青少儿大幅增强身体素质的同时走上国际竞技舞台。

The signing ceremony for "Schoolympics," the Ivy Events Committee's third international event, was conducted on December 14, 2022 (CST). Shenzhen Boya Zhixing Research Travel Agency Co., Ltd. has been authorized to run the sporting event in mainland China. After Thailand and India, China becomes the third nation in Asia to host the Schoolympics. In a post-epidemic world, Schoolympics will collaborate with public, private, and international schools and organizations throughout various regions of Asia to jointly host international sporting events to improve young people's physical fitness and support them as they enter the global stage.

IVY EVENTS COMMITTEE常春藤国际赛事组委会,隶属于国际非营利性组织,由来自八大藤校以及斯坦福大学的成员组成,包括所在校的知名校友、学者、工会成员、教授以及当地权威ESL教育和体育工作者等。致力于组织顶尖权威的国际赛事与公益活动,通过打造国际展示舞台以提升各国学生国际视野,促进全球教育进程可持续发展。目前IVY EVENTS在国际上主要包括三个国际活动板块,分别为“IVY CUP”国际英语展示活动,“国际之声(International Voice)”国际歌唱大赛以及“校林匹克(Schoolympics)”。IVY EVENTS秉承国际竞技﹑合作与创新的赛事精神,旨在提高广大国际参与者以及ESL非英语母语参与者的自信、语言运用以及综合能力,并为参与者提升各大国际赛事板块——包括但不限于在国际学术、音乐、体育等方面的参与度、国际视野,以及丰富其活动经验以及个人阅历。从而提升参与者个人国际背景以及打造全方面发展的个人背书,为未来申请名校与走向国际菁英之路夯实基础。

The Ivy Events Committee is an international non-profit organization composed of members from the eight Ivy League schools and Stanford University, including well-known alumni, scholars, union members, professors, local authoritative ESL education and sports workers, Etc. The committee is committed to organizing top authoritative international competitions and public welfare activities by creating an international display stage to enhance the global vision of students worldwide. It aims to promote the sustainable development of the global education process. Ivy Events currently organizes three international activities; The Ivy Cup International English Contest, International Voice Singing Competition, and the Schoolympics Sports Competition. Adhering to the spirit of competition, cooperation, and innovation of IVY EVENTS, it aims to improve the self-confidence and language ability of ESL non-native speakers and enrich their experiences of international competition. It lays a solid foundation for the future application of prestigious universities and becoming the global elite, which is an essential reference standard for contestants to enter the international arena and study abroad.

其中,常春藤体育赛事(Schoolympics)是IVY EVENTS国际赛事中第三板块的重点项目,根据本赛事的发展规划,将创新性地提升青少儿国际体育赛事高度以及国际裁判标准标准,以更符合现代青少儿身体素质现状和发展需求。其中包含的国际体育赛事项目有:篮球、足球、排球、网球、击剑、游泳、乒乓球、羽毛球、攀岩、OP 级帆船、赛艇、冲浪、飞盘、街舞、旱冰轮滑、滑板等以及“Para Jump百乐跳”国际跳绳挑战活动。于此同时,IVY EVENTS常春藤国际赛事组委会也将为顶尖的体育健儿提供常春藤国际组委会官方推荐信以及相关国际荣誉,为参与者提升国际赛事参与背景及经验,并助力他们获得更多的名校的青睐。众所周知,包括常春藤盟校在内的众多世界顶尖名校更青睐有体育特长的申请者,这也是奥运健儿常常出身名校的原因之一。

The Schoolympics is an important event of the Ivy Events. It aims to innovate the height of international youth sports events and international referee standards, so as to be more in line with the modern status quo and developmental needs of adolescents' physical fitness. The international sports events include basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, fencing, swimming, table tennis, badminton, rock climbing, OP-level sailing, rowing, surfing, frisbee, hip-hop dancing, roller skating, skateboarding, Etc. At the same time, the Ivy Events Committee will also provide top athletes with official recommendation letters from the Ivy Events Committee and relevant international honors, which can address opportunity gaps and make them stand out in admissions of universities. Many top schools in the world, including Ivy League schools, prefer applicants with sports expertise, which is one of the reasons why Olympic athletes often come from prestigious schools.


Several honored guests arrived at the signing ceremony to witness the moment of celebration.


Council members of the Ivy Events Committee HK H.E. Donald and Bruce; Ivy Events Committee Judge Panel Representative Aleks; Ivy Events Committee PR Director Jay Kim; Ivy Events Committee Chief Secretary Annie; Professor Fan Shichen, School of Tourism, Hainan University; Professor Gong Na, International School of Tourism and Culture, Guizhou Normal University; Li Xiaorong, President of Bright Scholar Country Garden School Alumni Association; Tan Zhihui, Head Coach of Guangdong Women's Epee Team; Cao Yifeng, representative of the authorized organizer and General Manager of Shenzhen Boya Zhixing Travel Agency Co., Ltd.

莅临签约仪式现场的领导嘉宾还有,来自博实乐广东碧桂园学校校友会深圳分会会长罗煜锋,中铂(深圳)文化传播有限公司董事杨建辉,博实乐凤凰城中英文学校工会主席赵永光,博实乐教育集团辅助教育板块 体育赛事部 高级运营经理陈明耀,法国查卡咨询公司执行总经理郭勇,德勤中国分析员马树蔚,黄山励新教育科技有限公司董事长章小荣,合一体育总经理杨志,美国职业拳击教练及美国体育专家Sidanii先生。

There also other guests were Mr. Luo Yufeng, Chairman of Guangdong Country Garden School Alumni Association; Mr. Yang Jianhui, Director of China Platinum (Shenzhen) Culture Communication Co., Ltd.; Zhao Yongguang, Chairman of Bright Scholar Phoenix City Chinese and English School Union; Chen Mingyao, Senior Operations Manager of Sports Events Department of Bright Scholar Education Group; Guo Yong, Executive General Manager of Chaka Consulting France; Ma Shuwei, Deloitte China Analyst; Qian Feng, Executive General Manager of Shenzhen Keyword Education Co., Ltd.; Zhi Yang, General Manager of One Sports; Sidanii, American professional boxing coach and sports expert.


The Korean-American PR Director of The Ivy Events Committee, Jay Kim, spoke on behalf of the participants from other countries and regions in Asia. He congratulated the signing in Korean and English. The presence of multicultural members of the organization gave insight into the growth of Ivy Events around Asia.

发言嘉宾,范士陈教授,海南大学旅游学院范士陈教授,中国文旅部优秀专家,知名体育旅游、研学旅游专家。在发言中提到,近日,国家体育总局办公厅、教育部办公厅和国家发改委办公厅三部委联合下发《关于提升学校体育课后服务水平,促进中小学生健康成长的通知》,旨在解决“双减”之后学校体育课后服务资源不足的痛点。基于此范教授给予了IVY EVENTS国际赛事第三板块“Schoolympics校林匹克”要注重国际体育精神的发扬,切实提高青少年身体素质等重要建议,并希望“Schoolympics校林匹克”可以打破传统,引领更多学校与学术机构,让更多重磅国际体育项目能够鼓励更多青少儿群体积极参与,并顺应我国在后疫情时代中“全民健身、全民运动”等各项体教融合的相关国家政策,通过“Schoolympics校林匹克”积跬步以致千里——取得巨大的成功。

Guest speaker Professor Fan Shichen of the School of Tourism, Hainan University and The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, is a well-known expert in sports tourism and research tourism. In his speech, he mentioned that the General Office of the State Sports General Administration, the General Office of the Ministry of Education, and the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Notice on Improving the Level of After-school Physical Education Services in Schools and Promoting the Healthy Growth of Primary and Middle School Students," aiming to solve the problem of After the "double reduction," the pain point of insufficient after-school physical education service resources in schools. Based on this, Professor Fan gave "Schoolympics" important suggestions, such as focusing on developing international sports spirit and effectively improving young people's physical fitness. He also expressed hope that "Schoolympics" can be an opportunity to break the tradition and lead more schools and academic institutions to become part of important international sports events. He asked that the program conforms to China's relevant national policies on integrating sports and education, such as "national fitness and national sports" in the post-epidemic era. He ended with the words, "Make small strides with the Schoolympics - with great success."

发言嘉宾,龚娜教授,贵州师范大学国际旅游文化学院教授。四川大学旅游管理博士,美国UC.Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校人类学院旅游人类学博士后,Tourism Management期刊审稿人。她对IVY EVENTS在中国大陆地区启动Schoolympics表示高度赞同,作为一位优秀的国际教育工作者,深知体育背景对于广大青少年在未来求学海内外名校之路的重要性,对广大青少年能更好地参与国际体育竞技活动以及提升个人体育背景表示高度支持与认可。

Professor Gong Na of The International Tourism and Culture College, Guizhou Normal University, Doctor of Tourism Management, Sichuan University, Postdoctoral Fellow in Tourism Anthropology, School of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, USA, Reviewer of The Tourism Management Journal also spoke at the signing.

She expressed her support for the launch of the "Schoolympics" in mainland China. As an international educator, she said she understands sports' importance for young students who wish to study in prestigious schools in China and abroad. She also mentioned that participating in international sports competitions and having a background in sports gains high support and recognition.

IVY EVENTS仅在中国地区已经覆盖21个省份超过500万K12年龄段参与者。在不远的将来,IVY EVENTS将组织更多覆盖亚太,北美、中东以及欧洲等地区的国际活动,让更多参与者走向世界舞台,拓宽国际视野边界,为全球各地教育均衡以及可持续发展做出更多努力。要积极参与赛事,可以提高青少儿对体育事业的热爱,并能大大增强身体素质,培养健全的人格与良好的性格。根据常春藤国际组委会官方声明,“Schoolympics校林匹克”的愿景是以学校为单位,组织更多基于团体荣誉与团队精神的体育赛事,从而带动每一个青少儿个体,增强体魄,进发活力!立足于国际舞台,大家将共同携手,弘扬国际奥林匹克精神,为新一代的青少儿的国际体育事业作出贡献!

Ivy Events has covered over 5 million K 12-age participants in 21 provinces in China alone. Soon, Ivy Events will organize more coverage of the Asia Pacific region. International events in North America, the Middle East, and Europe have brought more participants to the world stage, broadened the boundaries of global perspectives, and made more efforts for balanced and sustainable education worldwide. Actively participating in the event can improve young people's love for sports, enhance physical fitness, and cultivate a sound personality and good character. According to the official statement of the Ivy Events Committee, the vision of "Schoolympics" is to organize more sports events based on group honor and team spirit in schools to drive every young person, strengthen their body, and move forward with vitality! Based on the international stage, we will work together to carry forward the international Olympic spirit and contribute to the international sports of the new generation of young people!

签约仪式现场,双方代表进行签字。After the speech, the signing was successfuly completed.


Many of the world's top schools, including the Ivy League schools, favor applicants with sports expertise. Many Olympic athletes have attracted significant attention due to their origins in prestigious schools, such as Zhou Jiaying from Princeton University, Gu Ailing from Stanford University, and Chen Wei from Yale University. According to the 2024 Harvard University freshman data, 10.6% of the freshmen are sports talents, and 51.4% of the first-year students have participated in sports activities and competitions. The student-athletes that prestigious Ivy League schools recruit generally account for more than 10% of first-year admissions yearly. Universities in the United States will also reserve admission quotas for special sports students, usually 10%-20% of the total number of entries that year. Therefore, having sports expertise is particularly advantageous when applying to American universities because a student is willing to focus on one thing for more than ten years and make it the best. This kind of perseverance and excellent quality is what Ivy League schools value.


American universities look for competitive instinct, teamwork, endurance, and leadership. All these qualities can be found in competitive sports. It can also greatly enhance the competitive spirit. American universities usually use competitive sports as the basis for selecting and cultivating elites, and their most essential requirements for future talent development are perseverance and strong leadership.

As the signing ceremony drew to a close, representatives of both parties and guests held champagne in their hands to celebrate the successful conclusion of the event. Adhering to the spirit of sports without borders, everyone expressed enthusiasm for the upcoming Schoolympics held by Ivy Events.

随着此次签约授权仪式圆满结束的同时,亦在众多热爱体育、教育事业的工作者以及莅临现场指导的领导、专家共同见证下,多方将于IVY EVENTS携手在亚太地区掀开青少儿国际体育赛事的新篇章,并为中国地区青少儿国际体育事业跻身国际竞技舞台打造强大的基础与提供有力的支持!

With the successful conclusion of the signing and authorization ceremony, and under the witness of many workers who love sports and education, as well as the leaders and experts who came to the scene to guide, many parties will join hands with Ivy Events to open the international youth sports event in the Asia-Pacific region. It is a new chapter of the event, and it will build a strong foundation and provide strong support for the international sports career of children in China to enter the international arena!




